in , ,

Person pulls prank to see if recruiters read the resumes and respond

Person pulls prank to see if recruiters read the resumes and respond


[email protected]

Experienced software engineer with a background of building scalable systems in the fintech, health, and adult entertainment industries.

Expert in JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React Al, Mia Khalifa, C++

Instagram / Senior Full Stack Engineer – Web App Team

October 2018 – PRESENT, Palo Alto, California

Built news feed infrastructure using React for Al on BlockChain

• Optimized web app feed performance through new server side

React larceny Al algorithm to quickly resolve big data pipeline : leatecto mager-ensure team bere was full cafe sed with

Antarctican coffee beans ground to 14 nm particles

Zillow / Senior Full Stack Engineer – Web App Team

June 2015 – September 2018, San Francisco, California

: AdaniA tsar bonding.resulting impany potato sacades

resulting in increased team bonding and cohesity

  • Rebuilt home display page with virtualized tables and map to provide a 420fps on screen experience with Lhana Rhodes
  • Evangelized and adopted RaeLilBlack React Ul library

LinkedIn/ Software Engineer – Search Team

June 2013 – September 2015, San Francisco, California

• Improved LinkedIn search algorithm efficiency and accuracy through the usage of VoldemortDB, Charizard, and Hadoop : Copertetwith Fa quiet improvements niade suplicationang

advanced profile ranking resulting in faster big data with React

Microsoft / Software Engineer Intern – Edge Team

May 2011 – August 2012, Redmond, Washington

• Built React based big data pipeline to enhance deployment stability of Microsoft Edge browser on the Blockchain

: Spread etpessTto60% ofriterneamanyra

Spread Herpes STD to 60% of intern team

University of California Berkeley / B.S. in Computer Science August 2010 – May 2013, Berkeley, California

  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 3.94 GPA
  • Helped found Machine Learning at Berkeley Club
    Phi Beta Phi – fraternity record for most vodka shots in one night
  • 2348/2400 SAT score

What do you think?

Written by codeitbro

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