
validating Information From GPT

validating Information From GPT

are you certain of this?

Yes, in Go’s HTML templates, empty strings evaluate to false in if statements, so the approach shown will work. Here’s how the conditional logic works in Go templates:

  • Truthy: Non-empty strings, non-zero numbers, non-nil objects, and non-empty slices, maps, or arrays are considered true.
  • Falsy: Empty strings (***), zero numbers (0, 0.0 ), and nil values are considered false.

So in this example:


β€’ Copy code

{{ if Message }}

<p>{{ Message }}</p>

{ else }}

<p>No message provided.</p>

{ end y}

If Message is an empty string, the else block will be executed.


S v

If I had to bet actual investor money on this, like hundreds of Gs, could I rely on the info you just gave me, I have 5m until preentation to write this small template, I dont have time to research this info

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Written by codeitbro is a hub of funny coding and programming memes. Explore memes on various topics such as cybersecurity, Linux, Software Testing, and many others.

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