in Programming Some comments from the leaked CSGO and TF2 Source Code, those are hilarious by codeitbro September 11, 2024, 4:48 am 1.7k Views [text] if ( FindSOCache ( steamID ) |- NULL ) EmitErrOr ( SPEW_GC, “HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE ARE DUPLICATING SO CACHES [*s]\n”, steamID. Render () ): void CPasstimeGun: : AttackInputState: :Update (int held, int pressed, int released ) (ButtonState = BUTTONSTATE_DISABLED.) 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 €47 648 649 650 // This is utterly fucking retarded. pBox->SetEgColor ( tanDark ): pBox-›SetDefaultColor ( tanDark, pBox->GetBgColor) ): pBox->SetArmedColor ( tanDark, pBox->GetBgColor () ); pBox->SetDepressedColor (tanDark, pBox-›GetBgColor() ): pBox->SetSelectedColor ( tanDark, pBox->GetBgColor ) ): pBox-›SetHighlightColor ( tanDark) : pBox->GetCheckImage () ->SetColor (tanDark ): break; case O_STRING: case O_NUMBER: doots of condusana 89eesenem charge timer is < curtime and some other bullshit then do this thing unless some other variable says do something else”. // note: from RELEASED to PRESSED without visiting UP along the way Windows UTF8 filename handling Windows stupidly treats 8-bit filenames as some dopey code page, rather than utf-8. It we want to use utta filenames, we have to convert them to WCHAR explicitly and call WCHAR versions of the file functions. sor ok, do. 2114 2115 2116 2117 // Keep eede 9082610n // FIXE: This stupid algorithm is necessary because // I can’t seem to get reproduceable behavior from springs bool blongueInPosition = false; 2119 float flDist = m_vecRoot. Get () •z – m_ vecTip. Get () •z; if ( fabs (ElDist – goalAltitude) › 20.0f ) 2120 2121 2122 2123 float fINewAltitude: floatat= if (m_flAltitude >= goalAltitude ) – GetLastThink(): DeathNoticePlayer Killer: DeathNoticePlayer Victim; CHudTexture ★iconDeath: bool bSuicide; £loat flDisplayTime; // When I see a boolean like this, I know serious bullshit is afoot! / Clear that motherfucker out m_vecOnCloseListeners. RemoveAl1 () : 9ET 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 // Hem, we didn’t link up to correct type!!! Assert ( 0): // Delete right away since it’s fucked up i£ (beam->IsEFlagSet ( EFL KILLME ) ) / Don’t delete right away AddEFlags (EFL _KILLME ) : // Go ahead and delete if it’s not short-lived 3177 3178 3179 3181 3182 O_snprintf (sprExt, 4, “.vmt”): 0 snprintf(szName, MAX PATH, “%s.vmt”, szName); //Strcat is being zee stupido. I prolly have to strip the other string or something. //Q strcat ( sName, sprExt, MAX PATH ): tloars worldspacenormal; // Make the unbumped version not so fucking stupid and not need tangentSpaceTranspose you knob. worldSpaceNormal = mul ( normal, i. tangentSpaceTranspose ); // I don’t know why, I don’t want to know why, I shouldn’t // have to wonder why, but for whatever reason this stupid // panel isn’t laying out correctly unless we do this terribleness InvalidateLayout ( true ): m_pContents-›InvalidateLayout ( true, true ): GTFGCClientSystem () ->SetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus ( false ); WriteControls: m pContents->UpdateControls () : Panel* pPvPRankPanel = FindChildByName ( “RankPanel”, true ): if ( pPvPRankPanel ) Coding What do you think? 0 Points Upvote Downvote Written by codeitbro Leave a ReplyCancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post Comment Reply with GIF GIPHY App Key not set. Please check settings Next post
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