
When Realization Hits

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what is the most simple code for 4 direction movement in godot 4.0?

i: @nOice what is the most simple code for 4 direction movement in godot 4.02

Smushy Pants Today at 8:07 AM

I’m just getting started, but I think a short code to state movement could be something like this:

var direction = Input.get_axis(“ui_left”, “ui_right”)

if direction:

velocity. = direction * 150


velocity. = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, 150)

Though, this is only in 2 directions, I’m guessing you could simply change somethings here and there. (edited)

@Smushy Pants I’m just getting started, but I think a short code to state movement coul nOice Today at 3:44 PM

thank you mate!

nice Today at 3:44 PM.

is there any way i can get godot 3.0 back?

What do you think?

Written by codeitbro

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